
Happy New Year

New Location

As we enter 2024 Fleet Reiki Room has a new location!
Same house but in another larger room in our home.
I had worked from my little room for some years and loved the space very much.

Last year though I had the opportunity to move in to a larger room. It is beautiful and overlooks our garden. There is more space for holding workshops and also for treatments.
So now my Reiki Room is ready to accept lovely new clients again.

I am exited to fill this room with Reiki energy and hope to be as happy working in my new therapy room as I was in my old one.
I really hope everyone will enjoy having their Reiki and crystal sessions in here and I am so looking forward to welcoming clients new and old to our beautiful new treatment room.

I hope everyone had a lovely festive season and wish you all a happy and peaceful 2024 .

Brightest Blessings



What to keep and what to let go of

Last days of summer

Summer is almost ready to leave us again. What have you achieved and learned in this season?

I took a break through summer to concentrate on my own wellbeing. I enjoyed gardening and creating and just tuning in to what I needed at this time. We tend to think of creating as being painting, needlework, pottery etc.

In fact being creative can be anything you wish it to be. I chose to create in my garden, making new planting areas and taking out old shrubs and untidy areas. I loved displaying various flowers in pots and changing them around until I found the desired effect. I marvelled at seeds that grew in to beautiful flowers. Our new flower bed is coming along so well and I am already exited to see and smell it next year. It is mainly planted with roses that smell exquisite and I have hopes of it growing in to wonderfully scented area of the garden.

I love to spend time outdoors and feel the season slowly changing . I am wondering what to create in the cooler months to come. I have been working on Angel paintings and letting my imagination flow. I love colour and I have also been working on Aura interpretations and possibly a workshop on this.

I have for a long time wished to make some online courses. I t hasn’t as yet happened, however I am feeling this will be my creative project for this winter. Watch this space!

For now I am just enjoying the end of summer, the beautiful colours and last last of the sunny warm days .




Daily Practice for well-being

Starting your day the right way

You may already have your perfect routine to begin your day on the right note or you may be thinking of starting a new practice.

I always begin my day with a few simple stretches and connecting with my heart energy .

I find this helps to ground me and brings  me a calm feeling to start my day. I also thank my angels for being with me and ask that only peaceful and kind energy will come to me. Usually I surround my self  in a beautiful coloured light. I visualise this being all around me to protect my aura throughout the day. I intuitively choose the colour light that I feel I need at that time.

These simple practices are an essential for me and I rarely start the day without doing them.

If you are new to choosing a routine then do whatever feels best for you. Maybe pick an Angel or oracle card ( I always do !). You could try some gentle breathing or basic yoga poses. Choose a crystal or colour that you feel drawn to work with. Over time your practice may change or adapt , there really is no wrong or right way to go just follow what you feel guided to.
Most days I like to take a few moments to sit outside and just connect. Feel which element you feel most drawn to Air, Fire, Earth or Water . This may always be the same or change depending on the energy you are needing at any given time. After a while you may see a pattern and discover which of these elements you resonate with more strongly.

All of these different activities will enhance your spiritual development and help you to become more intuitive. Do keep a notebook or journal and add whatever you like to it .Your daily card picks, artwork , ideas , feelings and any messages that come to you .
I hope you may enjoy trying some of these ideas and that you find a wonderful way to start your days .



If you are working on developing your intuition or psychic senses then I have a few exercises for you to try.

The mistake many of us make is trying too hard! We read books, take a class either in person or online and practice varying types of meditation. All of this is very worthwhile and a great place to start or continue our learning. We become disheartened or frustrated if we don’t make the progress we are hoping for.In fact we are all intuitive already and don’t even realise it. We are all born with these gifts and may decide when and if we choose to employ them.

How often do you know who is about to call you or get a feeling something good is about to happen. Or you just seem to know if something is right for you or not?We can hone our skills with a few minutes each day, it really doesn’t have to be a huge or daunting task. So to a few simple ideas to enjoy and I mean enjoy! In my opinion everything should be fun and bring us a sense of joy and happiness.

  • Spend a few moments each day tuning into your senses. Find a quiet place to sit or lie down. What can you see, hear, feel and smell. Make this a restful experience. I love to do this practice in the garden and it is something I do most days whatever the weather. It may be done indoors if that suits you more, no rules or must dos here !
  • Pick an angel or oracle card each day, what elements, colours, words or symbols stand out for you? How does the card reflect your day?
  • Notice signs and images that you see during your day. Certain numbers, music on the radio, things you find like feathers, coins etc. Animals or birds that catch your attention.
  • Pick a colour each day and see how it plays out for you. Wear or carry something of that colour.Use coloured pens or paints to create a picture.Close your eyes and visualise your chosen colour, how does it make you feel? peaceful, happy, sad, creative, calm?

Keep a journal to jot down thoughts that come to you and sketch images that feel meaningful to you. Do not rush the process and and just enjoy your intuitive journey. Over time you will see changes and progress ,love being the intuitive soul that you are meant to be! If you have a friend to practice with , then all the better.You may even create a spiritual development circle or club. Who knows what adventures and new people you may enjoy. Have fun and do let me know how you get on.





Ways to work with your crystals everyday

  • Carry a crystal in your pocket or bag.
  • Meditate with your crystal
  • Place crystals around your home
  • Keep a crystal under your pillow on your bedside table.
  • Make a crystal grid
  • Create room and aura sprays
  • Use for massage
  • Place on your body
  • Place in garden or houseplant pots

These are just some of the ways you can work with crystals. Firstly choose your crystals, this can be from a shop if you are lucky enough to have one nearby.

If not then finding a reputable online supplier is your next best option. Choose one or more that you feel drawn to, some say that the crystal chooses us.

A good starting kit could include a Clear quartz, Rose quartz, Amethyst, Black tourmaline, Citrine, Yellow Jasper, Green Aventurine, Blue Lace Agate, Carnelian        and Red Jasper. You may well find Chakra kits containing some of these.

Always remember to cleanse your new crystal before you dedicate it to a purpose. Quartz may be held under running water or sprayed with a crystal cleansing spray. Crystals that are damaged by water such as Selenite can be placed on a windowsill for light rays to cleanse. Another way is to hold your crystal and imagine rainbow coloured light shining on your beautiful new crystal. In fact there are a great many ways to cleanse crystals, we will not go over them all here, but there are some very good books on the subject of crystal care.

Be intuitive on the crystals you are needing. Rose quartz is gentle and soothing and wonderful for your bedside or under your pillow. Blue lace agate is calming for stress and anxiety. Black tourmaline is wonderful for grounding and protection. Hold your chosen crystal and feel in which way it can work with you. I have found Amethyst to be excellent for headaches and to help me relax. A certain crystal may work very differently for you than it may for someone else.

For home protection try placing a Smokey Quartz in your hallway. I always keep a little dish of mixed crystals on my coffee table. Not only does this give a sparkling energy to the room, it also delights visitors who love to look through the crystals. Of course sometimes a certain crystal will choose to leave with a visitor if they are needing it’s energy and healing. There are a great many fabulous books out there about crystals and their properties and uses. Of course read up and try out different ideas. Especially read up on crystal care as some are more delicate than others and may be easily damaged by water, sunlight or being dropped.

I once spoiled a stone by getting massage oil on it and turning it from a beautiful sparkly purple to muddy colour as it was absorbent to the oil!

Most of all enjoy your collection of stones and crystals, don’t be afraid to try out ways of using and working with them. Be inventive and see how many varieties of ways you can use your crystals to help you on your healing journey. Treat them as you would a dear friend and simply enjoy their beauty.

Some people like to keep all the colours and varieties separated. This can help them to be found and sorted more easily, however I like to discover which crystals like to be together and marvel at how lovely they look. The choose is yours, have fun and remember to keep a joyful approach.

Next time we will chat about creating a crystal grid .

Happy collecting !









How to cope

Did you know that at present 74% of people in the Uk are experiencing some level of anxiety and feeling unable to cope. The stresses of work, home and in busy modern times juggling too many roles can leave us feeling frazzled.

So what really comes first? Does feeling overwhelmed lead to us feeling anxious or can anxiety lead to us feeling we can’t cope? I believe they go together like a pair of irritating friends that you can do without.

Seasonal Factors

Many of us feel less sparkle in the winter months . Weather is chilly and finances can be low after Christmas.
Taking care of ourselves everyday and doing something we enjoy can be a real boost.

Learning a new skill or hobby can bring feelings of enthusiasm and positivity.

I have recently taken up painting and journaling which bring me a real sense of relaxation.

Space clearing and de cluttering  bring a sense of order and make room for new and bright energy.

Aromatherapy oils and misters bring in a fresh and comforting feel. You can choose from some wonderful pre-blended options depending on your needs.

Are you wishing for better sleep? In this case a Lavender oil would be perfect. Need a morning boost of refreshing energy to kick start your day ? Choose an energy boosting blend. My personal favourite company is Tisserand for their gorgeous oils and products. You may like to keep a little roll on remedy or spray in your bag to pop on when you require it.

Neals Yard and Neom also make some wonderful blends.

Scented candles also bring a feeling of calm and comfort to your home.

Ask for help

If you are struggling with feeling overwhelmed by work or commitments do not be afraid to ask for help. So often we try to do everything ourselves. Accept any offers that will lighten your load a little. Delegate jobs especially if you feel you are being put upon to do more than your fair share.

Take regular breaks and most importantly go outside and enjoy a little walk or sit in a quiet spot to just find balance. At the end of the day look back at what you have achieved  even if it is one task  off your list feel proud that you did it.
Always value Yourself and the light you bring 

Invest in your well-being by having a relaxing massage or a session or two of Reiki or Reflexology.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or ‘Tapping ‘ is amazing for relief of stress and worry.This is something you can do yourself in just a few minutes. There are many demonstrations on You Tube that you may follow along with. My own favourite remedy for feeling irritable or overwhelmed is to place an Amethyst crystal stone on my forehead and relax for 10 minutes. This is my ultimate stress buster and is also great for relieving tension headaches.
You may like to put together a little kit of crystals containing Amethyst, Rose quartz, clear quartz and a few others you feel drawn too. Smokey quartz and black tourmaline are excellent for grounding and feeling balance .Blue lace agate is calming and soothing. Have fun experimenting with the different ones to see which you find works best with you. You may find a new passion for collecting them though!Be warned !

Next time we will be looking at how colour can influence how we feel 💗










Happy New Year 

I do hope 2023 has started off well for you.

Did you set some resolutions or as some of us prefer intentions?

Is this the year we are going to achieve our dream goal?

Be it a large dream or something simpler how we put our wishes out there can and will affect our desired outcome.

Vision Boards 

These are hugely popular and great fun to create.There are many wonderful people out there showing us how to put these together and each one will have different ideas on it .

Everyone claims their one is tried and tested to bring results and they very likely do.

How can we decide which is best for us?
It could be trial and error,maybe you create one each year sometimes with success and sometimes not.

Others of us just make lists and see how long we can stick to the resolution for.

How long will you go to that new exercise class for ? Will this be the year of your career change or visiting more unusual places?

It really all comes down to not being so critical of ourselves maybe . Are these new goals really in alignment with our real dreams.

Personally I prefer the word Intention it sounds kinder to ourselves and less of an uphill slog .

If we intend to do something then we can give it our best attention .
Try fun ways with your lists and use creative writing and art work to keep it fresh and interesting.

Manageable steps are fun , walking more or taking a trial class instead of taking up a strenuous sport you have never tried.

Keep your vision board flexible you may well find your wishes and goals change and you don’t really want the original idea after all.

Have I done a vision board this year? No . I am working around my word of the year FOCUS

I don’t have any major goals I want to achieve but I do have areas I wish  to improve on and one of them is being a little more organised. Getting on with some projects that have long been postponed. I wanted to be more creative and that has got off to a good start.

My main intention is to be kind and joyful . Not get hung up on  what I haven’t achieved but instead how much I have already achieved and the happiness it makes me feel .

So what ever you call them and however you go about implementing and trying to keep to your resolutions or intentions, remember to congratulate yourself on each step and every win .

Enjoy whatever you are working towards, laugh and put that magic into it.
Try working with some clear quartz for clarity ans selenite to bring gentle energy in.
Wishing you a bright and wonderful 2023 




Taking a moment

Have you taken a moment yet this month?

December arrived and at last it seemed winter has truly arrived.

This can be such a very busy and stressful time for many people. The pressure of choosing the right gift and and of course more expense!

Sometimes we can lose the joy and magic that this season brings. The sparkle and happiness that we all want to experience. While we wish to see our friends and loved ones having a wonderful time we must also make sure we are feeling special also.
Have you remembered to give yourself that special gift of a moment to yourself.

I am not talking about a snatched cup of coffee or a shuffle around the shop on your own ! Real time for you, being still and listening, feeling, seeing really just being.

Yesterday it was cold outside however in my seating spot down in the garden the sun was warm and everything sparkled around. I sat with my coffee and just delighted in the warmth.

The grass looked pretty with frost glistening on it and a little robin was in a tree by the fence.

It was a real moment of calm for me and I felt so refreshed.

Try each day to find that special time for yourself. You could make a space in your home that is reserved for yourself .

Keep some favourite items here. Crystals if you use them , a favourite book , a comfy throw and cushion. Find a time when you can be alone and just enjoy.
If you prefer outdoors find a spot that you love and find your joy in the sights and sounds.

Feel the earth beneath your feet and the security and connection that it brings.
Again have things close by that you love maybe a favourite plant . Preferably evergreen so it may be enjoyed in winter also. A birdbath and feeder so you can watch the birds .

I wish you a wonderful Christmas. Enjoy a peaceful time filled with joy .

Brightest Blessings .




Limiting Beliefs

If the answer is no then it is possible you have some limiting beliefs surrounding abundance.

  • I am not worthy of abundance.
  • Money won’t make me happy.
  • Things never work for me.
  • I am just not lucky.

These are just a few of the limiting thoughts you may have. These could be things you were told when you were growing up by well meaning parents or friends.

Fortunately these are beliefs that you can gradually change.

Writing positive affirmations and leaving them where you will see them is one way to make a positive change.

Here are some of my favourites.


  • I am worthy of abundance
  • Money and good fortune come easily to me.
  • Good opportunities are always opening for me.
  • My needs are always met.
  • I always have enough money to pay bills and buy the things I need.

These are affirmations you could use. Over time these will be your new way of thinking.

Another idea is to ensure you always have money in your purse or wallet. Even if you usually only use cards, keep some coins and bank notes in your purse.

A jar or pot of shiny coins in your home will also send out an energy of receiving.

Keep some items that make you feel surrounded by luxury. A vase of beautiful flowers, fluffy towels in the bathroom, your favourite perfume. Anything really that feels you have treated and taken care of yourself.

Imagine good things coming to you ,an unexpected gift, a small win , a pay rise.

With practice  you may well see a real change in the way you view abundance.

The main aim is to have fun with these ideas and enjoy. Keep a journal and note all your positive changes.

Have fun and let me know all of your wonderful achievements.