

On our path to health and well-being we all need to find our inner sparkle. We all have our own light to shine, sometimes along our life journey we forget this. As small children we all have imagination and have a natural brightness. Stresses of our everyday life can dull our sparkle and ability to shine. When we are happy and joyful we are in the best place to inspire others. We will explore ways in which you can rediscover and nurture your own light.

LOVE YOURSELF. Be kind and forgiving to yourself. Many of us spend so much time taking care of others and trying to make everyone happy. We simply just forget how special we are and how we deserve love and care ourselves.

Make time each day to do something just for you!

  • Read a favourite book
  • Make a wonderful meal
  • Enjoy a cup of tea or coffee
  • Have a relaxing bath
  • Dance
  • Sing
  • Go to an exercise class
  • Take a walk outside in nature
  • Wear your favourite colour clothes
  • Buy yourself a small gift
  • Most importantly tell yourself you are loved and appreciated

All of these are just some ideas of simple things you can do for yourself.



Crystals are a perfect way to bring joy and happiness to our lives.


  • Rose quartz for self love with it’s warm and gentle energy. Keep a piece near your bed side to aid with restful sleep.
  • Citrine with it’s positive and sunny energy is wonderful for uplifting your energy. It attracts abundance and prosperity. This wonderful stone helps with feeling confident and positive.
  • Amethyst is an absolute must for every crystal kit. It has so many useful properties including helping to relieve stress and anxiety and promote restful sleep. I have found it is very soothing placed on the forehead to relieve headaches and and general tension. Amethyst is wonderful to wear as a pendant or bracelet. I always have my favourite pieces on my bedside table.
  • Clear Quartz is an amazing and favourite to have in your collection. Work with a point to clear energy and amplify healing energies. It is great to carry a tumble stone with you to bring clarity and balance. Hold a piece of clear quartz in each hand to bring a feeling of peace and harmony.
  • I find blue crystals particularly good for bringing a feeling of peace and calm. Very beneficial if you are feeling anxious or worried. Carry or wear: Blue Lace Agate, Blue Calcite or Angelite for its gentle energy.


There are a great many crystal books to read with information on this subject. If you have a book shop near you then enjoy a browse for one that you would find beneficial. Otherwise Amazon or Book Depository are a very good source. My first and favourite book is Crystal Power Crystal Healing by Michael Gienger. Another popular choice are the Crystal Bibles by Judy Hall.

I run workshops on working with crystals details of which can be found on my workshops and courses page.



My advise to anyone is to connect to nature as much as possible. The benefits are enormous and I am never ceased to be amazed by how just a few minutes outdoors can uplift us.

A stroll outside on our lunch break after a busy morning will bring a sense of peace and clarity.

If you are fortunate to have a garden then spending time there as often as you can is ideal. whether it is doing some planting or pulling a few weeds or relaxing with a cuppa.

If you have a nearby park or wildlife area then make it a regular activity to visit.

Areas such as beaches, waterfalls and rivers connect us to our emotional wellbeing .

Find your favourite place and enjoy!