Fleet Reiki Room



Happy New Year 

I do hope 2023 has started off well for you.

Did you set some resolutions or as some of us prefer intentions?

Is this the year we are going to achieve our dream goal?

Be it a large dream or something simpler how we put our wishes out there can and will affect our desired outcome.

Vision Boards 

These are hugely popular and great fun to create.There are many wonderful people out there showing us how to put these together and each one will have different ideas on it .

Everyone claims their one is tried and tested to bring results and they very likely do.

How can we decide which is best for us?
It could be trial and error,maybe you create one each year sometimes with success and sometimes not.

Others of us just make lists and see how long we can stick to the resolution for.

How long will you go to that new exercise class for ? Will this be the year of your career change or visiting more unusual places?

It really all comes down to not being so critical of ourselves maybe . Are these new goals really in alignment with our real dreams.

Personally I prefer the word Intention it sounds kinder to ourselves and less of an uphill slog .

If we intend to do something then we can give it our best attention .
Try fun ways with your lists and use creative writing and art work to keep it fresh and interesting.

Manageable steps are fun , walking more or taking a trial class instead of taking up a strenuous sport you have never tried.

Keep your vision board flexible you may well find your wishes and goals change and you don’t really want the original idea after all.

Have I done a vision board this year? No . I am working around my word of the year FOCUS

I don’t have any major goals I want to achieve but I do have areas I wish  to improve on and one of them is being a little more organised. Getting on with some projects that have long been postponed. I wanted to be more creative and that has got off to a good start.

My main intention is to be kind and joyful . Not get hung up on  what I haven’t achieved but instead how much I have already achieved and the happiness it makes me feel .

So what ever you call them and however you go about implementing and trying to keep to your resolutions or intentions, remember to congratulate yourself on each step and every win .

Enjoy whatever you are working towards, laugh and put that magic into it.
Try working with some clear quartz for clarity ans selenite to bring gentle energy in.
Wishing you a bright and wonderful 2023